Century Casinos' main goal of Investor Relations activities is to provide shareholders, investors and analysts with all important information that may affect their investment decisions. Painting a true and reliable picture of the company's situation by communicating in a simple, fair, accurate and timely manner is our first priority. We do not regard investor relations as only an obligation, but as an opportunity to build and strengthen trust in the company and attract new investors.
We disclose information to The Nasdaq Capital Market® according to the US Securities Exchange Laws.
Information to news agencies and the press is released through PR Newswire. All information that is disclosed is simultaneously posted to our website at www.cnty.com/corporate/media-pr/pressreleases. Additionally, we offer an e-mail newsletter service which delivers our latest news to its subscribers.
With regard to forward looking statements which may be included in the information we disclose, we will always strive to fully explain our assumptions and uncertain factors in order to avoid misinterpretation of the information released.
For detailed information on any research reports, please contact the respective analyst. We do not comment on research reports.
Peter Hoetzinger
Co CEO & President, Vice Chairman of the Board
Contact: [email protected]
p. Europe: + 43 / 664 / 355 3935
p. US: + 1 / 719 / 689 5813