Donation Requests
At Century Casino & Hotel in Central City, Colorado, we want to always do our part in giving back to our communities, and to those within them that are most in need. We do this by actively assisting organizations in achieving their charitable and volunteer goals that make a difference in so many lives! Additionally, we do our part to help sustain the natural beauty in the world around us.
We welcome the opportunity to assist your organization with fundraising for the many worthy causes you work so diligently to support. If you are looking for donations for a silent auction or if you need in-person volunteer assistance for a charitable event/assistance program, please click on the link below. We ask that you please ensure the request form is completed in full and received at least 60 days prior to the event in order for us to give your organization the attention it deserves.
Please note, if all of the required information is not provided, the application will not be able to be processed. We thank you for all you do to make our communities better and stronger!
We would also love to see a picture of your event, once it is complete, to give us the opportunity to share your success story. You can send your picture to us via email at centralcity.cares@cnty.com.